Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 49

Katherine is really starting to go through that personality blossom stage that young toddlers go through. I mean, she always had a personality but it's like peeling an onion. It seems like every day we are seeing more and more layers of her sense of humor. I love that. I love that she has started fake laughing and obviously trying to be clown to get us to laugh at her.

She is particular about who she likes and how much. She's a fickle pickle, man. And she has a temper, oooooooh baby, does she have a temper. Josie almost never threw a fit, and I mean almost never. I'd actually be inclined to say never, but I'm sure there was a handful of times that she lost her cotton-pickin' mind. I think Katie will be our fit thrower. Good thing, most of the time those tantrums don't work with me or even bother me.

Along with her newly acquired attitude (yeah right, she always had that, lol) and sense of humor she has also started giving real hugs. With both her arms around your neck and everything. Josie seems to be the most frequent receiver of said hugs. Lucky girl....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 48

These sweet girls are my aunt and uncle's babies. The bigger girl is Ali and the baby is Rita. They are not related but they aren't buying that malarkey for a second - Ali is clearly Rita's mama. Just ask her. They are ranch dogs but they are totally doted upon, they never stink and have beautiful manners. Everyone should love their dogs like my Uncle Don loves his.

Day 47

My family's guest ranch and the most beautiful place I have ever been. I'm sure I'm biased but even after being there so many times I can't count, the beauty of it still takes my breath away. My great grandparents homesteaded there from Italy. I sorta like the old time feel of this shot. And the next one was of a couple of horses. Uh - DUH! LOL.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 46

There are days that I get a little of my working husband and not just because of his paycheck. I get a little jealous of the squeals and screams of delight at seeing his car pull into the driveway. And fuh-get about it when he comes in the door. Holy Jesus - it's full on pandemonium! Katherine is just really starting to get super excited to see him and it is too adorable for words. Ew, I was just that mom who goes on and on about how cute her child is. Feel free to puke a little in your mouth.

Day 45

I have been so neglectful of this blog and I thought I was off to such a good start. Then, the effing cold season took a dump on my household AGAIN and this time that mother-effer got me, too. Anyway, I was still trying to snap photos but it still wasn't every day. This is a stack of old books. Love the title of the first one....Heh, heh, heh.