Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 32

I write Josie little notes to put in her lunch on the days she goes to preschool. This one is, of course, the most elaborate one I've ever done. I did it the first day and she loved it so much that now I feel sorta obligated to do one every day. Thank God she only goes twice a week. I'm glad that she likes them and when I think it's a hassle, I remind myself that one day she will spend most of her time not wanting to have a thing to do with me. It makes it easier to relish these times.

She insists that I keep them all. One day last week she found the small stash and got them out. After a thorough selection process she put a few up on the fridge. At least in my mind it was a careful selection process. It could have been the first four that she grabbed.


  1. both of you are precious.

    I used to do the same thing for Jonathan - I even bought heart shaped stickies to write the notes on but his damn teachers kept throwing them out.

  2. Oh no - they throw them out? Jerk butts. Josie's teacher is an old co-worker and dear friend of mine so she makes sure that Josie puts them back in her lunch box. Thank God, she only goes the two days or I would have for sure missed a day!

  3. That's really sweet. And you write like a school teacher--all perfect and stuff. hahahaaha
