Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 49

Katherine is really starting to go through that personality blossom stage that young toddlers go through. I mean, she always had a personality but it's like peeling an onion. It seems like every day we are seeing more and more layers of her sense of humor. I love that. I love that she has started fake laughing and obviously trying to be clown to get us to laugh at her.

She is particular about who she likes and how much. She's a fickle pickle, man. And she has a temper, oooooooh baby, does she have a temper. Josie almost never threw a fit, and I mean almost never. I'd actually be inclined to say never, but I'm sure there was a handful of times that she lost her cotton-pickin' mind. I think Katie will be our fit thrower. Good thing, most of the time those tantrums don't work with me or even bother me.

Along with her newly acquired attitude (yeah right, she always had that, lol) and sense of humor she has also started giving real hugs. With both her arms around your neck and everything. Josie seems to be the most frequent receiver of said hugs. Lucky girl....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 48

These sweet girls are my aunt and uncle's babies. The bigger girl is Ali and the baby is Rita. They are not related but they aren't buying that malarkey for a second - Ali is clearly Rita's mama. Just ask her. They are ranch dogs but they are totally doted upon, they never stink and have beautiful manners. Everyone should love their dogs like my Uncle Don loves his.

Day 47

My family's guest ranch and the most beautiful place I have ever been. I'm sure I'm biased but even after being there so many times I can't count, the beauty of it still takes my breath away. My great grandparents homesteaded there from Italy. I sorta like the old time feel of this shot. And the next one was of a couple of horses. Uh - DUH! LOL.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 46

There are days that I get a little of my working husband and not just because of his paycheck. I get a little jealous of the squeals and screams of delight at seeing his car pull into the driveway. And fuh-get about it when he comes in the door. Holy Jesus - it's full on pandemonium! Katherine is just really starting to get super excited to see him and it is too adorable for words. Ew, I was just that mom who goes on and on about how cute her child is. Feel free to puke a little in your mouth.

Day 45

I have been so neglectful of this blog and I thought I was off to such a good start. Then, the effing cold season took a dump on my household AGAIN and this time that mother-effer got me, too. Anyway, I was still trying to snap photos but it still wasn't every day. This is a stack of old books. Love the title of the first one....Heh, heh, heh.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 44

Trees and stuff.....The good weather continues. Yipeeeee!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 43

Today we spent the day at a good friend's house. Katherine and Josie played in the dirt and they got dirrrrrrrrtay. Wowza, did they ever! Of course these don;t really show just how much they enjoyed the dirt, and it's obvious we are happy to see SPRING!

Day 42

Katherine seems to LOVE balls, she thought she was pretty cool on my mom's deck with the coveted basketball all to herself. Sweet baby.

Day 41

We went to my mom's this past weekend. This is my mom, aka Nona, pushing four of the eight grand-kids on the swing set. They were cracking up and had her out there about an hour. They are the luckiest kids to have her, really.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 40

And finally today at school. It has FINALLY warmed up here - 73 degrees today. That means we bring out the warm weather clothes WOOT! The bad thing is that I cannot find the sandals that I bought for Josie when she was Katherine's age, grrrrrr.

Anyway, here is Katherine with her new haircut, she got the whole thing cut. It's very wispy and unmanageable, it gets tangled and matted super easy. Hopefully, the trimmed ends will help with that. She was exploring big sister's school....

Another thing I love about Josie's school is that they have fresh flowers all over the place for the children to enjoy and also sketch/paint. It's really lovely.

Day 39

The second day at school....This is a HUUUUUUGE canvas that the kids get to paint. It covers almost an entire wall and apparently it has been painted over many, many times. I love it.

Day 38

I took my camera to Josie's preschool the last few days that she has gone.....I got some really great shots of Jos and her buddies but I won't put pics of other kids on my blog without permission. Der! This is the coolest little table they have set up and change periodically. I need to ask and find out the significance of it. It's a Waldorf theory based preschool so I'm sure there is meaning behind it.

Day 37

Indignant Girl. Clearly, there was some grave injustice being done. I get it. (Barf, whenever I hear "I get it", I think of pissy Meredith Grey off of Grey's Anatomy.)

Day 36

I drive past this graffiti whenever I drive downtown. I've admired it for years and finally remembered my camera and got a shot of it. I like it.

Day 35

This outfit is her own doing. I can't remember where she was headed on this particular day. She wears those awful heals until her feet are literally blistered and raw. I have to hide them and use them to prompt good behavior. It's hilarious to me that while she's dressed like this, her "job" is "a mama...just a mama!" Um, yeah.....'cuz that's what this mama wears every day. Riiiiiiiight.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 34

Meet "The Restaurant Girl". Josie and Katie were playing, or Josie was directing Katherine about where to go and what to do and Katherine allowed her to push her around for a while. The whole apron was cracking me up, though. Ignore the mess, it was before clean up time. Just go ahead and pretend we have like regular clean up time.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 33

Hunting for Easter eggs.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 32

I write Josie little notes to put in her lunch on the days she goes to preschool. This one is, of course, the most elaborate one I've ever done. I did it the first day and she loved it so much that now I feel sorta obligated to do one every day. Thank God she only goes twice a week. I'm glad that she likes them and when I think it's a hassle, I remind myself that one day she will spend most of her time not wanting to have a thing to do with me. It makes it easier to relish these times.

She insists that I keep them all. One day last week she found the small stash and got them out. After a thorough selection process she put a few up on the fridge. At least in my mind it was a careful selection process. It could have been the first four that she grabbed.

Day 31

Check out the Jersey Shore barbies. No kidding, these are straight up SOOC.

That is the true color of their skin, no joke and hair.

These also were hand-me-downs. When I play with Josie and we use these barbies, I make them have New Jersey accents. It bugs her, lol!

Day 30

A pocket. A Gap Kids denim skirt pocket to be exact. And a hand-me-down at that. Jeez, I loooooooooove hand-me-downs. Just save the stained, skid-marked-up, underwear, thankyouverymuch.

Day 29

Soooooo, my baby was sick. The last photo of her was not really her being ticked off , she was actually sick. Ended up in the urgent care with a 105 degree fever. She recovered a couple of days ago but I am just now getting around to posting because I think it takes me a few days to get back to normal. Or somewhat normal.

Here is one of Josie. This was an icky day outside and she was really getting tired of being cooped up for so long. That is such a bummer about having a sick kiddo, NEVER leaving the fricking house for days.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 28

Look what crawled into my drawer, and whoa....Is she ever pissed off about something. Silly, cranky, baby - I can't figure out where she get's her attitude from. *coughcoughcoughcoughcough*James*coughcoughcoughcoughcough*
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 27

So, we decided to take advantage of our spring weather (it was almost 60 degrees WOOT!). Especially since it's supposed to cool back down and possibly even rain. >:/ I am totally holding back from posting a pic I inadvertently snapped of a woman in thee worst mom jeans, ever. EVER. But it's a horrible photo and well, probably just plain mean.

So here a couple of my girls instead. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 27

Blue Eyes!

Day 26

I just can't get enough of these baby hands. And these hands now reach down my shirt (she's a nursling, what can I say?), these little paws wave hello and good-bye. They point to everything and slap when she is frustrated. It's so hard to believe that these hands are now 14 months old, is that even a baby anymore? :( These hands give high-fives and "punches". They play peek-a-boo and princesses with her big sister. They can work a spoon and even a fork. They are growing too fast for her mama to keep up. And these hands get mama kisses every single day.

Day 25

I'm a few days behind posting, I'm taking just not posting them promptly. Thank you for your patience in this matter, I'm sure all of five of you have been peeing your pants excited waiting to see what I've got going on. *wink wink*

Lola, aka The Yo, aka Dumb-Dog-Who-Almost-Got-Shot-By-An-Overly-Tired-Mama.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 24

Upside down.

Day 23

Spring!!!!!! (and I just jinxed myself by that hopeful declaration, I'm sure.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 22

Happy baby

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 21

Big sister

Day 20

Uncle Tom

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 19

Annnnnnnnnd more hands.....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 18
