Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 46

There are days that I get a little of my working husband and not just because of his paycheck. I get a little jealous of the squeals and screams of delight at seeing his car pull into the driveway. And fuh-get about it when he comes in the door. Holy Jesus - it's full on pandemonium! Katherine is just really starting to get super excited to see him and it is too adorable for words. Ew, I was just that mom who goes on and on about how cute her child is. Feel free to puke a little in your mouth.


  1. I totally know what you mean. But you know something I've found out? They're excited when he comes home from work, but if he leaves for an hour it's no big thing when he comes home. But if I leave for even 20 minutes, I get a giant reception. It's all relative. :)

  2. Good point, this just proves that I need to leave more often. ;)
